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2018年9月7日読了時間: 5分
Lovely Red A-frame house
Hood River, OR, USA / Built in 1965 Liz and Andy enjoyed their city life, having a gathering with friends every week and going surfing at...
2018年9月6日読了時間: 4分
Skyline A-frame house
Portland, OR, USA / Built in 1961 "Why don't we move to LA...?" In those days when Anna and Srijon were enjoying that kind of...
2018年8月24日読了時間: 3分
Black-stone A-frame house
Union Bay, BC, CANADA / Built in 1972 Antonie: "Did you see that?!" Christine: "Yes! What's that?! We HAVE TO get a closer look!" ......
2018年8月22日読了時間: 2分
New-textured A-frame house
Nanaimo, BC, CANADA / Built in 1949 "When I was a boy, an A-frame house in our neighborhood was everyone's dream house," said Scott. For...
2018年8月21日読了時間: 2分
Local-produced A-frame house
Whistler, BC, CANADA / Built in 1968 It was kind of the first family to send us to their neighbors, Roger and Audrey. Roger tried to...
2018年8月21日読了時間: 2分
Log A-frame house
Whistler, BC, CANADA / Built in 1972 44 years ago, three men built this A-frame house by themselves. The other day, they visited the...
2018年8月20日読了時間: 2分
Emerald A-frame house
Whistler, BC, CANADA / Built in 1970's Three couples, including Jennifer’s parents, bought this A-frame house together as their home away...
2018年8月15日読了時間: 2分
White A-frame house on Haida Gwaii
Port Clements, BC, CANADA / Built in 1970's "We need to start our A-frame trip here." Shingo, the easy-going did never give up the hope,...
2018年7月5日読了時間: 1分
This is one of the Japanese world heritage sites. The construction method that is snow-friendly is called "GASSYO-ZUKURI" 世界遺産の白川郷合掌造群...
2018年7月4日読了時間: 1分
Japanese sacred "A"
I found this "A" in Nagano, Japan. It was built in 1965 as a privet school and later it changed into church. 長野県軽井沢でA-frameを見つけました...
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