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Skyline A-frame house


Portland, OR, USA / Built in 1961

"Why don't we move to LA...?" In those days when Anna and Srijon were enjoying that kind of conversation, a FB advertisement for an A-frame house in their area popped up in front of her. It had been waiting for her just ten minutes away. Even though it was her first time seeing an A-frame house, at the very first sight, she could tell that this place would treat her soul better than any other. She found her "home" just ten minutes away by car, not in LA. Srijon was surprised at first but now he loves their home, too.

『気候のいいLAにでも䜏もうか』・・・そんな颚に話しおいたある日、フェむスブックを眺めおいたアンナの前に珟れたA-frame house。ポヌトランドの自宅からたった分のずころに、人生初のA-frame houseは埅っおいた。「私の魂が安らぐ堎所」だず、ピンずきた圌女。最初は驚いたスリゞョンだったが、今ではこの家を愛しおいるそう。

In 1961, when this A-frame house was built, it was probably still surrounded by forest. The local art school students were welcomed to join in its planning. What a nice story!



The entrance led me to the living room. I couldn't help but start the interview right away because of my excitement to see the very spacious room. Anna with her four-month daughter, Inez answered my questions first. Inez, rounding her beautiful big eyes stayed calm throughout the interview as if she also welcomed us. She also joined us sometimes by raising her voice happily.



"Space" - Anna needed no time to answer my question "What do you like about your A-frame?" She felt as if she lived in nature thanks to the big front window. Her greenery grows well inside all year around with the sunlight. Srijon who also teaches art at a local school loves the A-framed living room the most and often works here.

『A-frame houseの奜きなずころは空間の広さ』ず即答のアンナ。倧きな窓のおかげで自然の䞭に䜏んでいるような気持ちになるそう。宀内に溢れる怍物たちは䞀幎を通しお自然光を十分に济び青々ずしおいた。スリゞョンにずっおもこのA-frameスペヌスが䞀番のお気に入り。矎術孊校で教鞭を執る圌は萜ち着けるこの居間で仕事をするこずもしばしばあるそう。

Everything - the roof, walls, windows, and fireplace - was original but the inside was in poor shape. They turned each problem into a fun family project, repairing the floor and painting the walls of its additions...

ふたりに出逢った時、屋根も壁も窓も暖炉も建おられた圓時のたただったが宀内は決しお良いコンデションずはいえなかった。床材を匵り替え、色を塗り替え 問題の䞀぀䞀぀を楜しいプロゞェクトに倉えおいった。

After spending a good time interviewing Anna, finally I got ready for a tour. It was very kind of Srijon to take me for a tour with care after having given one for my husband already. How spacious their A-frame house was! It was 3,200 square feet on 1.5 acres of land. Their A-frame makes not only Anna who owns a pretty online boutique satisfied with its space but also does so for her two teenaged daughters. A-frame houses are not only for minimalists if you have some good additions. By the way, Srijon, an artist has his own studio to concentrate on his work and an art gallery that half is used for chickens. He welcomes visitors to his exhibition at his gallery "Chicken Coop Contemporary" once a month.

甚意しおいた質問を聞き終え、やっずツアヌ開始すでに䞻人を案内し終えおいたスリゞョンだったが、䞁寧に説明しおくれた。それにしおもなんお広いこず聞けば玄6,000㎡の土地に300平米の延べ床面積。オンラむンブティックを経営するアンナも人の嚘さんたちティヌン゚ヌゞャヌも満足の家。増築を工倫すれば、A-frame houseは決しおミニマリストだけのものではないず実感。ちなみに画家のスリゞョンは創䜜掻動に専念するため裏庭にスタゞオを構え、鶏小屋を改築したギャラリヌでは月に䞀床個展を開催しおいる。

〜 A Message from Anna to you〜

Something unique like an A-frame house encourages your self expression. It's an extension of you because you are unique.


A-frame houseのようなナニヌクな家は、あなたがあなたらしく圚るように励たしおくれたすよ。

Altitude(高床):10m Average temperature(平均気枩):4.3to20.0℃ 

Annual precipitation(幎間降氎量):1001mm 参照(CLIMATE-DATA.ORG)



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